Sunday, May 28, 2006

Total fun!

Heard about this really fun, funny website...  Improv Everywhere  So far I've checked out a few, but how fun!  That's what life is about, the silly moments.  The videos they have accompanying the story are great...check out the Suicide Jumper one, it's a classic!

And speaking of silly moments.  For Jacob's birthday, he got a really cool bubble kit from Grandpa Ron.  The kids have been having fun with it, but I think Aaron's having even more!


Stay tuned for future photo shoots featuring the bubbles! 

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Jacob starts baseball!

Img_9310webFriday evening Jacob had his first baseball game and boy was he excited for it!  Last year he took kickball and maybe it was his age, but he didn't seem to take much interest in it.  But baseball he was really fired up about and was smiling and dancing around for most of it.  It's so great to see him so excited about something like this.  It's going to be a busy couple weeks though between baseball and his swim lessons starting next week. 

Check out pictures here...1st day of baseball pics

Thursday, May 25, 2006

so whaddaya think?

I just got a new Photoshop action called "Urban Acid"...does something kinda cool to the picture, don't you think?  Definitely a more artsy feel, cool for the right photo.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Circus came to town!

CircusMy Mom and I took the kids to see the circus today.  We weren't sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a well put together show.  I was a little nervous that it would be under the traditional circus tent but fortunately as you can see it was not.  I had a 'traumatizing' event in the past at a circus under the big top with some elephants RUNNING by us way too close.  Between that and the scary clowns, I had just about written off ever attending a circus again.  This was much better! 

By the end of the night, we really were starting to think that Ella's future plans would include running away with the circus.  At intermission they offered pony rides and elephant rides.  She of course wanted to ride the pony's, which we did.  We then walked over to check out riding an elephant and it would have cost us $24 for the 3 of us to ride (a parent had to go with).  After the tickets in, cotton candy, popcorn, soda, pony rides--that wasn't in the budget!  Well, you don't tell Ella no when she wants to ride an animal.  We heard about it the whole second half of the show and up until she went to bed this evening.  So I won't be surprised if one day she up and joins the circus! 

Check out some more of our photos from the circus here...Circus Photos

mini photo shoot



Saturday, May 20, 2006

Friday, May 19, 2006

It's that time of year again...

for the Pancake breakfast!!!  Yum-O!



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!

How I spent my Mother's DayImg_8718


Saturday, May 13, 2006

I love my friends

Last night we hosted our monthly Dinner Club and boy was it ever fun.  We had a tropical theme and played Texas Hold 'em Poker.  We ended the night with some hot-tubing and hanging around the fire pit.  Nothing better than a beautiful summer night with beautiful friends. 

Thursday, May 11, 2006

I love my Mac

Since today seems to be a rambling kind of day, I thought I'd ramble a little about another favorite of mine....Mac computers.  I have had my iMac since December and do not miss having a regular PC at all.  In fact, I've even recently converted my Mom to Mac and I believe she is happy with her decision too.  Recently Apple has been running what I find to be cute and clever commercials...the 2 actors in them are perfect.  You can check all the ads out here... Mac TV Spots

The funny thing is, even though I totally love my Mac, I don't really want them to become much popular then they are right now.  With popularity comes problems and viruses.  I have read that only about 5% of the computer owning population owns a Mac.  That is incredible.  I'm proud to say I'm in that very small minority.  That would be great if my family and friends join me, but shhhhh....don't tell the masses!  :-) 

Rob Thomas cracks me up and other thoughts...

OK, first of all this may not interest many people (yes it's more ramblings on Rob Thomas) but I find it hilarious.  I belong to a message board that Rob Thomas also occasionally visits.  Well to make a long story short...recently his management has changed fanclub companies and it's causing some people to be upset by the way ticket sales are being handled for his summer tour.  I have been avoiding the board because of all the bickering between each other lately but this morning I thought I'd just visit real quick.  Rob had just left this message to one of the negative comments, "nick, let it go.  i have already apologized and this is what it will have to be for this tour. by the way, the first few rows are NOT for people who really want to SEE and HEAR the show.  ask any musician and they will tell you that the first 10 or so rows are the worst sound in the venue and you can't really see the light show. (don't you remember a while back when people complained that you couldn't hear me in the front row? and we added little speakers to the front of the stage, but it still hardly sounds the way it's supposed to) those are for people who want to see my nosehairs, and i get it, i have cool nosehairs, but if you just go, you'll see that there isn't a bad seat on the floor.  the seats that you guys are bitching about are the seats our families sit in. sometimes they get worse. this is just how it is for this tour. sorry, but let it go.

and my personal favorite when someone said his show better be worth a $130 ticket...  "you know, you don't HAVE to go.  Rt"

Love it! 

My other thought for the day....what is up with American Idol?  Last night ticked me more Chris D.  :-(  I have no interest in the show now...don't care who wins.  However, I know Chris will do bigger and better things.  And just to relate this thought back to Rob....he's publicly said how much he likes Chris D as well!!  Who knows...maybe he'll open for him one day. 

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Jacob!

Whew, what a day!  Jacob had an incredible fun filled birthday and we're all so honored to get to share it with him.  He started out with chocolate chip pancakes and ended it with chocolate-chocolate star cupcakes.  It was all Jacob's choice today and lots o' fun all day!  Check out the pictures here...   Jacob's 4th

4 Years Ago Today....Wow!


Sunday, May 07, 2006

Birthday Party

On Saturday we had Jacob and his good friend, Wyatt's 4th birthday party.  Their birthdays are within 5 days of each other so we decided to have a joint party.  Fish was the name of the game at this year's party!  Originally we had planned to have the party down at the river and have all the boys fish, however a schedule change with a local event forced us to look for alternate locations.  Wyatt happened to live within walking distance of a fish pond so they offered to host the party.  We had fish games, a fish pinata, TWO fish cakes, fish snacks, a fish fruit bowl, fishing, and everyone got to go home with a fish....could it get any fishier?

Here's a portion of the almost 300 photo's taken!  Party Pics

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A lesson in life and death today

The kids got a little lesson in life and death today.  Today my beloved goldfish, Phil, past on.  Last night I sensed something was wrong with him and tried to convince Aaron to take him to the vet...yeah, he wasn't going for that.  We have had him for 4 and a half years and I seriously thought he'd outlive all of us...he was a Christmas gift from my brother our first Christmas in our house.  Jacob had a few seconds of sadness and then said, "OK, can we get a new pet now?"  We had a little ceremony for him and Jacob did the honors of the flush.  Goodbye Phil, we will miss you! 

A couple of hours after the Phil incident, Jacob and Ella came running in from the backyard to say there were "baby cats" in the back.  We went to see what they were talking about and saw this...

Not sure who this mama cat belongs to but she has 4 kittens with her and has apparently made a comfy spot between our garden shed and fence! As cute as that white one is, Aaron says they are not staying for the long term! 

Monday, May 01, 2006

Love the Springtime!

We had a really fun family day today.  We started it off with a 2 mile jog on the trail near our house, then came home to load up the bikes and headed to the River Trail.  Jacob rode his bike and Ella rode on the back of Aaron's.  We rode all the way to the Aboretum and walked amongst the trails and plants.  We then headed to a pizza place for lunch.  Really fun day...we recommend getting out and enjoying all there is to offer here...before it gets too hot!  Here's some pictures we took (all of us acted as photographer today!)... Bike ride pictures