OK, first of all this may not interest many people (yes it's more ramblings on Rob Thomas) but I find it hilarious. I belong to a message board that Rob Thomas also occasionally visits. Well to make a long story short...recently his management has changed fanclub companies and it's causing some people to be upset by the way ticket sales are being handled for his summer tour. I have been avoiding the board because of all the bickering between each other lately but this morning I thought I'd just visit real quick. Rob had just left this message to one of the negative comments, "nick, let it go. i have already apologized and this is what it will have to be for this tour. by the way, the first few rows are NOT for people who really want to SEE and HEAR the show. ask any musician and they will tell you that the first 10 or so rows are the worst sound in the venue and you can't really see the light show. (don't you remember a while back when people complained that you couldn't hear me in the front row? and we added little speakers to the front of the stage, but it still hardly sounds the way it's supposed to) those are for people who want to see my nosehairs, and i get it, i have cool nosehairs, but if you just go, you'll see that there isn't a bad seat on the floor. the seats that you guys are bitching about are the seats our families sit in. sometimes they get worse. this is just how it is for this tour. sorry, but let it go.
and my personal favorite when someone said his show better be worth a $130 ticket... "you know, you don't HAVE to go. Rt"
Love it!
My other thought for the day....what is up with American Idol? Last night ticked me off...no more Chris D. :-( I have no interest in the show now...don't care who wins. However, I know Chris will do bigger and better things. And just to relate this thought back to Rob....he's publicly said how much he likes Chris D as well!! Who knows...maybe he'll open for him one day.