Aaron and I just got back from an incredible weekend without kids and I'm having fun going through all the pictures and reliving it all over again! We spent TWO nights in a row away from the kids, first time ever for me...thanks Mom and Jeff! We started off with our monthly dinner club with our close friends. This month we had a game night which was a great idea, hosted by Kim and Kacy. We played Jenga, Twister, Cranium, and a couple other fun games one of which included drawing our spouses...that one had some interesting results! Here's a link to some of the pictures.... (Thanks for letting me post these Steph, you got some great ones and I didn't even take out my camera for once!) July Dinner Club Pictures

Then Aaron and I headed up to Central Point, Oregon to go to guess what....ANOTHER ROB THOMAS CONCERT!! He was playing up there as part of the annual Britt Festival. The venue was very relaxing and fun to hang out in...they had a spot where you could bring a blanket and relax and watch the show on the lawn or you could buy reserved seats. We purchased reserved seats but then headed up in front of the stage for an even closer view. Best place to be in my opinion....lots more dancing and singing along up there!
Aaron even snuck around with Rob's security and attempted to get me a special shout out by Rob, I found out later. But alas, it didn't quite work out. Still it was a very thoughtful idea...thanks Aaron, I love you and thank you for putting up with my Robsession! Foruntately for Rob's wife he's only got 2 more shows and then he's taking a break so unfortunately for me it'll be awhile before we get another chance at a show. It's been a great run while it lasted though! Here's a link to some of the pictures we took....Rob Thomas in Oregon
Here's a couple links to a little video I took too.... Rob performing Streetcorner Symphony in Oregon
Rob performing Bent in Oregon