Friday, February 29, 2008

My Birthday

Wednesday was Ella's day, Thursday was mine (though I did share it a bit with Ella)!  The day started with a beautiful day of skiing at Mt. Shasta while the kids were in school.  The weather was gorgeous, the snow perfect, and very little people on the slopes.  We got back in the early afternoon to relax for a bit and then got ready for dinner.  We met the Nostrands for dinner at Chevy's...mmmmm...good!  We then headed back to our house for presents and a YUMM-O cake that Jeff made for me.  Apparently it took Jeff (with Aaron's assistance) 2 days and about 400 ingredients to make.  It was so good! Click for some pictures from my day 

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's all about Ella!

Today was a day all for Ella...she is the diva princess and it was her birthday afterall!  The day started with the "Birthday Bucket" then a couple of hours of playing and crafting, followed by a nature walk, onto lunch with Grandma and Uncle Jeff at Red Robin, more playing, dinner, and the finale of presents and cupcakes at the fire station with Daddy.  Here's some pics of the day....Img_0011


And here's the grand prize present, since the bike she got for her 2nd birthday kinda 'exploded' at the BMX track a couple of weeks ago!

We tricked her with relighting candles!

And then tomorrow...the day of is my birthday afterall!  LOL!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today's the Day!

Ella-Belle is 4 years old!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Almost 4...


Saturday Ella had a birthday party with 5 of her friends at Oregon Street Tea Company.  It was the perfect party for little girls!  It took a bit for everyone to get over their shyness but eventually everyone loosened up and had a great time.  The girls got to play dress up, had a cupcake hunt, a story, an etiquette lesson and a yummy lunch with hot cocoa, heart-shaped sandwiches, fruit, scones, and cupcakes with fluffy pink frosting.  So sweet!  Click here for more photos.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has given me compliments and support with this 286thank_you_balloonnew business venture.  I'm
happy that people are liking what I'm producing, cause I'm liking producing it!  I will be continually putting more items up for sale as quickly as I can.  I have lots and lots of ideas, just need the time to implement them.  Seems the kids still want to eat and play, they don't seem to realize I have another enterprise to run! 

Thank you again!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Juella Designs is here!


One of my goals for this new year was to make my fantasy handmade jewelry shop a reality and now that dream has come true!  Juella Designs is up and running!  I have joined an incredible online marketplace that sells handmade goods called Etsy and so far everyone there has been completely helpful and inspiring. 

For quite some time now my days and nights have been consumed with thinking about everything and anything related to making and selling jewelry and the more I get into it, the more I don't think that will change!  So much for a part-time business....LOL! 

You can check out my shop here....

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beautiful Day


  • Lunch with my Mom at Oregon Street Tea Company (look at that tray of food all for us!)

  • Seeing the kids so cute Valentines they got at school today

  • Eating their chocolate treats

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Rob (cause I'm sure he reads this blog!)

He's 36 today and playing Madison Square Garden...bummer I can't be there!  LOL! 


Latest video and my new fav....

These Hard Times

Become an M&M

Can you guess who's who?


Lots of fun stuff on this site.


Monday, February 11, 2008

My lil' BMXers

We've spent a good deal of this long 3-day weekend at the BMX park.  Img_4131We took Jacob there to see if he'd be interested in getting into it as a hobby and guess who showed the most initial interest?  Yep, our little daredevil princess! 

Thursday, February 07, 2008