Saturday, February 28, 2009

Birthday trip to Mt Shasta

Ella's first time up the chair-lift!photo.jpg

Friday, February 27, 2009

My baby girl is 5 today!



Happy Birthday sweet Ella...I love you!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Way to go Slumdog!

I predicted it!  In honor of their many Oscar wins I bought the soundtrack music from iTunes!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hi y'all!

So I kinda keep forgetting I have a blog and thought I'd post a little something while I remember!  We've been busy with the usual daily stuff and kids activities...there's been a little sickness that has hit our household and now I'm stuck on jury duty for the past couple days.  For fun stuff we have managed to see a lot of movies both at the theater and at home (we recently joined Netflix which has been great!)...some we've seen recently: Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Definitely Maybe, Underdog, Zach & Miri, The Women, Gran Torino, Coraline, and Slumdog Millionaire.  I'm voting for Slumdog in next week's Academy Awards.  (Shh...don't tell I haven't seen most of the other nominees!)

I also wanted to share a new local blog for the Redding peeps.  It focuses on locally run business in the area to help out our own local economy.  I think it's a great idea and am all for supporting the local business owner!  Check it out here....

Until next time!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

What is it?

Updated 2/12/09: Ooops sorry, Jeff! I had forgotten I had a blog for awhile! So this picture is of the Sundial Bridge from underneath it looking up.  Took it with my iPhone on a walk with the kids.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Blast into the 1970s!

Saturday night we hosted dinner club and went with the theme of the 1970' was crazy!  Everyone dressed up and looked so good.  Well I didn't, I looked like Mrs. Roper in a very unflattering outfit with too much blue eyeshadow, but it was all fun!  The dinner we served ended up being a little scary however...for appetizers we went with salami rolled around pickles and cream cheese, deviled eggs, and crackers with Easy Cheese.  Dinner was crockpot chili (made in an authentic 70's olive green crockpot), cornbread, green salad with ranch, tater tots and orange jello salad (we forgot the frozen peas and carrots).  Dessert was chocolate fondue.  We played a game with 70's trivia, ouija board, had disco and rock blaring...I just realized we forgot to bust out the Twister!  Probably a good thing skirt and Alicia's dress would have been challenging!  That and Aaron mighta busted a hole in his pants...LOL!    Click for more pictures