Sunday, November 29, 2009


 Wow, Thanksgiving came and went and now we're into the Christmas season.  How in the world did that happen?  This was the first year since the kids were born that we didn't participate in the Turkey Trot and you know what? We didn't miss it...LOL!  It was nice to just sleep in and be lazy.  We made a big breakfast and tried to get the kids excited about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade but it just didn't have as big of a draw as cartoons.  

We had Thanksgiving dinner at home....Grandma Jeanne and Uncle Jeff joined us, as well as Cindy and Noah.  It was so great they could come up and spend a couple days with us!  The kids had a blast having a cousin to play with and they played lots of video games and laser tag.  Molly even had some company, Dharma and Yoda/Pedro, Cindy's dogs.  She wasn't as thrilled as we were to have company!   Aaron went back to work on Friday but we took Cindy and Noah on a mini tour of Redding.  We hit Turtle Bay, the Sundial Bridge (though it started to rain on us), McDonald's (but of course) and Aaron's Fire Station.  

Click here for more photos

Friday, November 27, 2009

Holiday Shows

I've had a busy couple of weeks with Juella Designs!  I've had 2 shows...both which I think were successful and a lot of fun.  The first one was a Holiday Boutique I put together at the Vintage Wine Bar & Restaurant (the place where my brother is the chef)...we had 11 different vendors and artists selling their wares and it was a crazy-fun-crowded time!  Here's a quick pic from that show...


The second show was one I joined at the last was in a local hair salon and was only for other local jewelry artists. It was a long day but it was also fun..I don't get to hang around with other jewelry artists very often and that was great.  


San Francisco Weekend


 My Mom and I took the kids away for a fun getaway to San Francisco.  It was a beautiful weekend and we saw some new sights we haven't seen in the Bay before.  We visited some old favorite spots too....Chinatown, beach near the Golden Gate, Palace of Fine Arts, Lombard St and Union Square.  We even took a ride on the world famous trolley car!  


Click here for more photos  

We finished up the weekend at the Bay Area Bead Expo (BABE) show.  It was a successful show and even the kids seemed to enjoy it. I got lots of new products I'm excited to work with.  

Monday, November 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Sunday was my Mom's birthday...and I'm not telling her age!  We had a yummy lunch at Red Robin and then back home for banana cream pie and chocolate bon bons...mmmm!  IMG_7239

Beautiful day....I love you Mom!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009


IMG_6773 IMG_7155

October Highlights!

Ella's fall soccer season came to end.  Could have been a better season but she had fun and it allowed us to meet some new friends. 


Jacob is now a Cub Scout Wolf and Ella is a first year Daisy!



Weekend in Reno with friends! Saw Rob Thomas, Carolina Liar and One Republic. Lots of shopping and lots of eating....good times!


2nd Annual Guns and Hoses Football Game.  Sadly the Hoses lost.  :-(

Some other highlights:

  • Pumpkin Patch visit to Hawes Farm

  • School Jogathon

  • Jacob's 2nd grade Goin' Buggy performance

  • Ingrid Michaelson concert

  • End of season soccer parties

  • And sickness....ick