Monday, November 07, 2005

Funny little comment

We went to playgroup this morning at Sara’s house.  It was a cold, rainy day so the only one’s who made it were Tara (with Alex and Nicholas) and us.  We were there about 10 minutes and Jacob comes over to me and whispers, “Mommy, where are all my friends?”  The way he said it was really cute but it kind of took me a minute to process....Alex and Zachary (Sara’s son) are Ella’s age and Nicholas is a couple of months old.  It was really funny that he recognized them as Ella’s friends and that his friends are older and weren’t there today.  Once we got home though he said, “I had a really fun day today.”  It made me really happy to hear.  Jacob always knows how to have a good time…even if he’s playing with ‘babies’!! 

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