Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Almost time for the big day!  We had an event filled Christmas Eve and I'm just winding down getting ready for Santa to make his/her appearance.  We spent the afternoon at our great friend's, (more like family!) house making gingerbread houses and all around fun.  We then headed over to my Mom's house for the traditional crab dinner.  After that we stopped by the fire station to hang out with Aaron and do our annual PJ exchange.  As soon as we got to the station however, they were heading out on a call.  They left us alone in the station for about an hour, unsupervised and with a camera! 

Check out this crazy gang!


Our masterpieces...

Goofing off at the firehouse...


Us in all our new jammies....


Superman's here to save the day!


I think I hear Santa coming so I'd better get to bed!
Merry Christmas!


Stephanie McClung said...

Okay, who drew Ella's name and picked out her jammies?????????? Because Matt drew Brilee's name and those are the ones she got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa Lee said...

Aaron did! Funny!