Monday, June 25, 2007

Visit from the East!

We had a great day today!  Our dear friend, Angela and her family are visiting from New Jersey and we got to spend the day with them at Turtle Bay.  We love seeing them and can't wait until they're back in our state again...though I love reading about her East Coast adventures on her blog as well! 

We got to experience some fun new exhibits at Turtle Bay, which is always a treat.  Jacob really enjoyed the bird exhibit and got to feed one up close and personal.  All the boys had a great time in the butterfly exhibit and we couldn't leave until they'd identified all the butterflies on the field guide.  It was so great to see them take such an interest.  We also checked out the new "Aliens Earth: Are WeAlienbush Alone?" exhibit.   The kids thought it was cool and of course it was educational, but a little too much info on planets and stars for me....I was hoping the aliens the government have hidden away in the desert would finally be
revealed!  Like 'found' alien parts housed in jars or as Angela said something real cheesey, like a cut out of an alien we could get our picture taken with.  Alas, it was still fun and sure maybe we all learned something, but I'm still holding out for an ET encounter recreation or something cool like that!

After having lunch at the Turtle Bay Cafe, we came home and the kids swam for a bit, they BOTH took a nap (unheard of!), and then we went to Jacob's first baseball practice.  All in all a great day!

Click here for photos from Turtle Bay

1 comment:

Angela said...

Boy, I've missed a lot--I had to go into the archives to get caught up on your blog. :>) Loved re-living our fun day--definitely one of the best things about our whole vacation. We miss you all.