Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dance and a Game

We made it home from camping just in time for Ella's first dance class and Jacob's first baseball game!Img_9889_2
  Ella had a try at dancing last summer and it really didn't go over so well.  However she's been recently talking about it quite a lot so we thought we'd give it another try.  This time we went with a different dance company and it went so much smoother.  She jumped right in there and did so well!  The classes are an hour long and she seemed to get tired towards the end but still kept a smile on her face. 

After a quick dinner in the car, we headed to Jacob's first baseball game as a Junior Giant.  He got to play catcher and pitcher!  His favorite position was catcher, we think because he got to wear the whole catcher-get up.  He looked like a regular pro and really loves playing.  The one thing he really needs to work on though is running, he doesn't have a lot of get up and go when it comes to running the bases and there were a couple of close calls when he almost got out.  Though it could be he's slow because we had such a long day and he's exhausted!

Click for more pictures!

1 comment:

Jeanne Milcheck said...

All cute pictures