Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Aaron!!

Today was Aaron's BIG 3-5 B-day!!  Unfortunately he had to work it of course.  We did stop by the station this evening with a chocolate cream pie though! 

And we can never stop by the station without the kids wanting to play on all the fire engines.  This evening Jacob had full fire adventures going on in his head and he wanted to act them out with the equipment.

And I'm just guessing, but I think his favorite gift was this.... Guitar_hero_ii_ps2

If it's not Jacob and his video game addiction, it's Aaron!   I'm preparing myself for some upcoming virtual concerts!



Stephanie McClung said...

Happy Birthday, Aaron! I still think it's so odd that you and Matt are less than 2 months apart in age and then Lisa and I are only 1 month apart! Maybe that's why we all get along so well! :)

Aaron Lee said...

Thank you Lisa for the great birthday visit. The chocolate cream pie was awesome and the gifts were perfect. I always enjoy watching the kids have fun at the station. You made my birthday special. I love you!!

Jeanne Milcheck said...

Happy Birthday Aaron