Saturday, September 15, 2007

Weekend stuff

Another Saturday, another soccer's was especially exciting because Jacob scored a goal!  He has been so excited and as soon as he did it, he had a big grin on his face.  Img_1627

After the game we headed over to the Kid Zone event held out by the convention center.  Lots of activities and displays for the kids.  They even got to touch a big icky snake! P9150788In the second photo, Ella looks like she's crossing her fingers...probably hoping that it won't eat her!P9150790

Ella's favorite anywhere is always the horses....P9150796

Friday...Karen, Ella, and I had a girl's day out and got pedicures.  Ella thought it was so fun, though she was a little bashful at first.  Img_1619_2She picked the purple polish herself!  She also got an extra special treatment with hand painted flowers.  We also had lunch and did a little shopping/browsing.  It was a fun morning. 

In other news, my Mom's poodle Andre is a contestant in the local paper's "Pet Idol."  The top 12 winner's will be featured in a calendar.  Please vote for Andre-#313-HERE! 19663901_2

To round out our day, this evening we stopped by to visit Aaron at the station.  He's stuck working for 3 days in a row due to the start of hunting season.  Lots of hunters at the fire department!



Aaron Lee said...

Jacob's a chip off the old block. A real star athlete!! So glad you guys came for a visit. Three days without seeing my wife and kids is hard for me. Thank you.

Stephanie McClung said...

I tried to vote online for Andre but I couldn't find out how to do it!