Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holiday Treats

Img_3149A few years ago I created this Christmas snack mix and named it "Sam's Magical Holiday Mix."  It's a secret why it's named that! 

I will share what's in it though....
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Stick pretzels
Kettle Korn
Butterscotch chips
White chocolate
Red and green sprinkles

Mix all together (I totally make it up as to the measurements of each ingredient) and then drizzle melted white chocolate and red and green sprinkles while mixing.

Candy Covered Marshmallows

This one's pretty self-explanatory and so simple, plus makes quite an impression Img_3153
because they're so fun looking.  Stick a marshmallow on a stick (I've used popsicle and bakery sticks), dip into melted chocolate, then sprinkle with candy or sprinkles.  There are so many things available this time of year to chocolate chips, fun sprinkles, red hots, crushed candy canes, tons of different chocolate chips, coconut, it goes on and on.  My favorite are the crushed Heath bar chips!

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