No, the mohawk was not a keeper. It was definitely fun and Jacob couldn't stop making devil horns, but after the photos, the head shaving commenced. He's been saying he wanted his hair cut like Daddy's for weeks now. The morning after having it cut he said, "Do you know why I wanted hair like Daddy? Because then you don't have to fix my hair in the morning!" Aww yes, because it cuts into his precious cartoon watching time before school.
Too funny!! I refrained from commenting cuz I just had a feeling it was a "trick." :) The pictures you got were so awesome - I just loved the coloring and his eyes! And the video is too cute!!! It's pretty funny because Matt and I were just talking about buzzing Brayden's hair this week - I usually wait til after school but he is in such need of a haircut! And I just love not doing the hair! LOL
Well if he had wanted to keep it I would have let him for a little bit, I thought it was cute! It didn't satisfy his need to have no one messing with his hair though, so it had to go!
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