Thursday, July 10, 2008

Part 3 - 4th of July

Claremont Colleges E,M,M,J 2

We left Anaheim the morning of the 4th and headed to Rancho Cucamonga 
to visit with Aaron's brother, Jaime and family.  We hadn't seen their new house yet and the kids always love playing with their cousins.  We arrived just in time for a BBQ lunch.  We then headed to some friends of theirs who live on a mini-farm.  Well not really but they did have a horse and chickens!  They also had nine-4 day old lab puppies and the kids loved getting so see all the animals (bunnies and fish too).  We then all headed to a firework display put on by Claremont College.  It was fun hanging out, eating, listening to a live band and then watching the fireworks.  Click here for more pictures!

Next stop Las Vegas!

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