Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Interview with a 5 and 6 year old

There's a fun little questionnaire going around Facebook I thought I'd share. I interviewed Ella (5 years old) and Jacob (6 years old) and here are their answers....

1. What is something mom always says to you?
(E) - Be nice to your brother.
(J) - To behave

2. What makes mom happy?
(E) - Giving her presents
(J) - Kissing her

3. What makes mom sad?
(E) - If I am mean to her.
(J) - Seafood

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
(E) - Being silly
(J) - Saying funny stuff

5. What was your mom like as a child?
(E) - She was just like me.
(J) - Just like me

6. How old is your mom?
(E) - 12 years old
(J) - 35

7. How tall is your mom?
(E) - 10 inches
(J) - 60 inches

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
(E) - Make some jewelry
(J) - Work

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
(E) - Makes some jewelry and talk on the phone too.
(J) - Take Ella to fun places

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
(E) - Bookclub
(J) - Singing

11. What is your mom really good at?
(E) - Making some jewelry
(J) - Work

12. What is your mom not very good at?
(E) - Doing some art, maybe clay.
(J) - Starting fires

13. What does your mom do for her job?
(E) - Makes some jewelry and gets some money.
(J) - Jewelry

14. What is your mom's favorite food?
(E) - Seafood
(J) - Seafood

15. What makes you proud of your mom?
(E) - Helping you make jewelry
(J) - Work

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
(E) - Maybe a dog.
(J) - Godzilla

17. What do you and your mom do together?
(E) - Playing
(J) - Watch movies

18. How are you and your mom the same?
(E) - We both have polka dot dresses.
(J) - Nothing

19. How are you and your mom different?
(E) - Both of us have different hair.
(J) - We don't have the same hair.

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
(E) - Cause she gives me kisses when it gets dark.
(J) - Because I kiss her.

21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
(E) - Going to her Mom’s house.
(J) - Hawaii  

The main themes seafood and me working.  The seafood is interesting because I'm really not a huge fan.  And apparently I work too much with my jewelry!  I'll have to do this every couple years to see how the responses change as they get older.


Jeanne said...

Jacob's answer to #9 was interesting.

lisaski said...

Yes, I think that was my favorite and the most telling one of them all!

jeff said...

haha, so many funny answers.
my fav:
what makes mom sad?
Jacob: seafood.
what's moms fav food?
jacob: seafood.
that made me laugh out loud.

lisaski said...

Jeff...I know! That one had me bewildered! I asked him what's up with that and he really didn't have an answer.

jeff said...

it's bewildering indeed.
there's got to be an underlying reason he said that.
did you guys ever visit seaworld? and jacob had a traumatic, yet wonderful experience involving seafood?

lisaski said...

Ya know there was a traumatic experience at Marineworld once with a walrus...hmmmm....

slm1974 said...

Too cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love these interviews!