Thursday, July 02, 2009

Hat Creek Camping


Summer is upon us and we're having the 100+ temps that a Redding summer always promises us!  We've been keeping busy with lots of swim time in the pool and lots of movies.  Earlier in the week we took a camping trip up to Hat Creek...we brought Grandma and Molly along with us this time. We didn't escape the heat but we had a lot of fun none-the-less!  We had never camped in that area and we really liked it.  Our campsite was right next the creek and so peaceful.  The kids got a lot of fishing in, we did some spelunking in Subway Cave, we hiked down to Burney Falls, and had fun hanging around the campgrounds. There was a small incident in the middle of the night when Jacob fell out of the bunk bed in the trailer and came crashing to the ground.  Scared Aaron and I to death!  He was fine, just a scratch and a sore elbow but he's insisted on wearing a sling for the better part of the week. 

Click here for pictures

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Wonderful time was had by all.