Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Introducing my newest line...Simply Change

I am so, so excited to introduce my newest line of jewelry, Simply Change!  This line features coins from all IMG_6463 over the world, stamped with words or phrases and strung on a variety of mixed metal chains.  I will add pretty beads and charms sometimes as added accents.  Every piece is truly one of a kind! 

I was inspired to make this line for a variety of reasons.  One being the quickly rising cost of sterling silver.  I still love, love sterling and will continue to work with it, but I want to offer jewelry in a more affordable range as well.  I was also inspired by seeing the many beautiful and interesting coins from around the world.  My son is a coin collector and IMG_6479 I began taking notice of some of the coins.  Without doing a thing to them, some of them are so beautiful!  I started collecting them myself and have had dishes of them sitting around for months just waiting to be used in some manner. 

I wanted to incorporate what I have been doing, making custom and personalized jewelry but with a twist.  That's where these old coins come in!  I want them to be talismans of sorts.  Talismans are objects worn to bring specific qualities into your life, such as strength, happiness and protection.  I have been stamping powerful words and phrases onto sample coins and will offer these for sale.  But I will also take orders for custom and personalized pieces...I will stamp whatever you like--be it powerful words, names, dates, anything unique and meaningful to you. 


I hope you like my newest line!  You can go to my Etsy site to see the current coins I have listed at Juella Designs Etsy Shop.  I will be listing new ones all the time. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Redding Handmade Team Charm Swap

There are many reasons I am so excited to be a team member of Redding Handmade, but one of the latest is the upcoming team charm swap!  One of our members, Kimberly Snowden (Garnet Heart) presented the idea to the team along with the starter charm bracelets she made for every member. Right away I was excited by the idea and so thankful to Kimberly for the super cool bracelet.  


At our next monthly meeting we will be having our charm swap with 16 members participating.  Each of us will make 16 identical/similar charms and swap them with the other members, we will end up with a full charm bracelet representing each other.  We all have different styles and materials that we work with, so it's going to be a very eclectic and fun charm bracelet.  I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!

I have the idea in my head of what my team charm will be, just need to get into production mode!  We will have upcoming posts on our team blog featuring each contributing members charms...check it out here...www.reddinghandmade.com.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What does a number matter?

I'm throwing in the towel with the whole weight tracking thing.  It has gotten me no where but to be unhealthily focused on my weight and what I put in my body.  I had this magical number in my head of where I wanted to be.  Where I needed to be to fit back into my favorite jeans.  Forget it.  I'll buy a new pair of jeans. 

A few days ago, I noticed the quote at the top of my blog....  "For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life.  But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be got through first, some unfinished busines, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.  Then life would begin.  At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."  This is how I viewed this current weight loss fixation--life would just get better/be better if I lost 20 pounds.  No it won't.  It's just fine now.  If anyone has a problem with what size I'm wearing-that's their problem.  I don't need to make it mine.  

As far as I know I'm healthy.  Right now I am within 20 pounds of the weight listed on my license...a weight that I don't think has changed since I was 16.  That was 21 years and 2 children ago.  I should feel good about that.  If I need to buy a new pair of jeans and toss the old favorites, so be it.  (But dang those were expensive jeans!  OK stop it Lisa.)

I know what I need to do to feel good.  What I need to eat.  How I need to move.  If I blow it one weekend, who cares? 

There are obstacles to this.  The times when I will still be down on myself and how I look and forget the bigger picture.  The guilty feelings.  Other people.  What they say and what they don't say and what they say to other people.  Forget them. 

The biggest challenge is what I say to my kids.  How I model proper health, fitness and nutritional issues. How my daughter views her body.  How my son views his.  What they say to other people.  What the other people say or don't say or say to other people about them.  That's all I need to focus on.  Keeping myself and my family healthy and feeling good about ourselves regardless of what the weight on a scale says. 

Friday, April 01, 2011

Food Friday - (and weigh in...ick)

I'm joining up with Eilyne over at Suite 100 for Food Friday again!  Make sure you check out her blog at http://www.eilynedavis.com/

I have recently discovered that the Hungry Girl lists Weight Watchers Plus points on her recipes so I've been having a lot of fun trying out some new recipes - and actually cooking to the surprise of my husband!   Photo So far what I've made has been really good so I question the actual point values.  The best so far is the "HG's Mega-Delicious Chipotle Chicken Panini"  I have seriously had it 5 times in the last week.  She says it's only 6 points and that's what I'm hoping is true!!  Apparently it's a healthier redo of a Panera Bread sandwich, I've never had that one but this one is excellent. 

HG's Mega-Delicious Chipotle Chicken Panini

1 1/2 tbsp. fat-free mayonnaise
1/2 tsp. adobo sauce (from canned chipotle peppers) or chipotle hot sauce (like the kind by Tabasco)
2 dashes onion powder
2 dashes garlic powder

One 100-calorie flat sandwich bun (like Arnold Select/Oroweat Sandwich Thins)
2 oz. cooked skinless lean chicken breast, shredded or pulled into pieces
1 tbsp. roughly chopped fresh basil
2 thin slices red onion
2 slices plum tomato
1 stick light string cheese, shredded or pulled into pieces

In a medium bowl, combine ingredients for the sauce and mix well. Set aside.

Split bun in half and lay the halves flat, split sides up. Evenly spread half of the sauce onto the bun halves, leaving half of the sauce in the bowl. Set aside.

To the bowl with the remaining sauce, add chicken and toss to coat. Set aside.

Evenly top one bun half with basil, onion, tomato, saucy chicken, and cheese. Place the other half on top, sauce side down.

Bring a grill pan sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat on the stove. Place sandwich in the pan. Using a spatula, press down gently but firmly to seal the sandwich. Grill until hot and lightly browned, about 2 minutes per side, flipping carefully and pressing down with the spatula to seal.

Cut in half (or not) and enjoy!

Definitely check out the Hungry Girl's website for even more tasty and healthier dishes.  If you have tried some, please let me know the results in the comments! 


And now for the dreaded Friday weigh in....

Starting weight:  172

Last week's weigh in:  168

My current weight:  167.4

My goal weight:  154

Gain/Loss this week:  -.06

Total lost so far:  -4.6