Friday, March 17, 2006

So sweet, so fun!

A friend recently had a baby and after meeting her daughter, I just knew I had to do a photo shoot with her.  Now keep in mind, I have never done a photo shoot for anyone other than my own kids before, but I just had to do it!  I have been wanting to learn more about the particulars of photography; proper lighting, f-stops, shutter speed, all that good what better way than to learn by doing.  I did learn a lot and I learned even more about Photoshop.  Very complex program with a very high learning curve but I'm slowing catching on and quickly filling a notebook with notes.  For the past year I have been acquiring equipment and collecting books so it's about time I get serious about learning!  I am now completely immersed in the world of photography and Photoshop.

Here is the link to a few of the 100+ photos I took of an adorable little girl Newborn photo shoot

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