Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jacob and Nature

Jacob has become quite the outdoorsmen lately!  He spends a great deal of time outside after school looking for creatures and tending to his plants.  A couple weeks ago he planted a garden with my Mom and he has been very diligent about watering and keeping it up.  He's also planted various flowers and vegetables in every spare pot he could find around here and yesterday we planted about 30 sunflower seeds in starter pots.  I love how he takes pride in all his plants on and is so conscious of their care.  Why he can remember to water his plants everyday but not put his clothes in the hamper, I have no idea! 

Another thing we've been keeping an eye on outdoors is our new little baby birds on the back patio!  We think there is a total of 3 of them tucked behind one of our speakers. 


Stephanie McClung said...

So impressed to hear that the garden is still going strong!

Angela said...

How wonderful! That's a sign of a good boy! :>)