Friday, February 05, 2010

Delayed Christmas share but with a Valentine tie-in

Every Christmas I like to make a handmade ornament of some kind.  I like to switch it up every balls one year, painted ornaments another, photo frames yet another, etc.  This past year I came upon the House of 3 blog and website and saw a tutorial for the sassiest ornaments that reminded me of "jewelry for your tree"....which I guess is what ornaments are anyhow...LOL!  But anyhow these looked like you could even wear them for jewelry if so inclined.  I downloaded the printable and hit up Michaels for the adornments.  It was a lot of fun. Here are some of my creations...2009 xmas ornaments

We delivered these to friends with a little ding-dong-ditch which was even more fun then making them!

The Valentine I see that House of 3 now offers the same set of printables for Valentine's Day.  I wish that I had the time to make them, because they are oh so cute, but this year I unfortunately do not.  I wanted to share because maybe someone out there does.  [And if you do, I'd love to see your finished product!]  Click here to see some of the fun House of 3 Valentine printables

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You know on second that I see them, I may find the time to make them!  :-) 

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