Thursday, April 15, 2010

Redding Handmade

N244782410838_2381 Things are really heating up with my Redding Handmade Etsy Team!  The creativity amongst the group is incredible and I look forward to lots of fun events in the coming months to keep us all busy.  The month of May sees a sort of collaboration with Redding Handmade, the Sweetspot and the Fabulous Fabric Shop...every Thursday that month will be a fun evening out.  (Check here for more info about Oh!Carousel!)  Coming up first on May 6th is our first Sweetspot "Rotation." Redding Handmade Rotations will feature 4 artists displaying their goods at the Sweetspot in Redding from 7-9pm.  You will get to meet the artist/designer/creator behind the products as well as purchase items.  This show is just in time for Mother's Day. 

The featured designers for May are:

NCharshaf's Handmade Notebooks & Stationery
Julie Packer Designs
Oh Baby! Redding

(My turn at Rotations is in July!)

And speaking of my Redding Handmade Etsy Team, I wanted to show you just some of what the Team has to offer...please support them and all handmade artists! 
new EtsyNameSpace.Mini(5120431, 'favorites','gallery',4,3).renderIframe();

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