Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Bryan!

Yesterday was our friend and adopted nephew, Bryan's birthday....he turned 8 Img_7589years old!!
  Aaron and I can still remember the night we babysat him in our old apartment when he was probably only about six months old.  We had a chaoctic time attemping to change his poopy diaper as he was trying to crawl away...both of us (Aaron and I) freaking out....just as his parents come a-knocking on our door...our first diaper ever...whew!...surprised we had kids after that episode! 

1 comment:

Aaron Lee said...

That diaper event was so funny!! Hard to believe that a poopy diaper could cause such a comotion. It did make me have second thoughts about having a baby of our own. Were we ready for that? Karen must have thought we were crazy. That was 7 and 1/2 years ago. Wow!!