Thursday, May 04, 2006

A lesson in life and death today

The kids got a little lesson in life and death today.  Today my beloved goldfish, Phil, past on.  Last night I sensed something was wrong with him and tried to convince Aaron to take him to the vet...yeah, he wasn't going for that.  We have had him for 4 and a half years and I seriously thought he'd outlive all of us...he was a Christmas gift from my brother our first Christmas in our house.  Jacob had a few seconds of sadness and then said, "OK, can we get a new pet now?"  We had a little ceremony for him and Jacob did the honors of the flush.  Goodbye Phil, we will miss you! 

A couple of hours after the Phil incident, Jacob and Ella came running in from the backyard to say there were "baby cats" in the back.  We went to see what they were talking about and saw this...

Not sure who this mama cat belongs to but she has 4 kittens with her and has apparently made a comfy spot between our garden shed and fence! As cute as that white one is, Aaron says they are not staying for the long term! 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Sorry about Phil! He had a good long life, didn't he? The kittens are soooo cute. Come on, Aaron...just one?!?!!?? :>)