Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Holiday fun

Yesterday we made a couple of gingerbread houses from kits.  Those Costco kits are getting better and better each year.  We only had one minor collapse this year.Img_5419

Here's Jacob and I's creation....

And here is Ella and Aaron's....

We are still having lots of fun with our adopted elves, Izzy and Rose.  This afternoon we made them sleeping bags and pillows out of scrap pieces of fabric.  This evening after they were fed and tucked into bed, Jacob suggested we make their reindeer pal a sleeping bag too.  Uh, no.

Jacob also said that now they might decide to get into a pillow fight now that they have pillows.  We shall see!!

I also added a clickable photo album to the right so you can keep up with the nightly adventures of our little friends. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

This elf-thing is the dang cutest thing I've EVER seen! :>)