Friday, February 29, 2008

My Birthday

Wednesday was Ella's day, Thursday was mine (though I did share it a bit with Ella)!  The day started with a beautiful day of skiing at Mt. Shasta while the kids were in school.  The weather was gorgeous, the snow perfect, and very little people on the slopes.  We got back in the early afternoon to relax for a bit and then got ready for dinner.  We met the Nostrands for dinner at Chevy's...mmmmm...good!  We then headed back to our house for presents and a YUMM-O cake that Jeff made for me.  Apparently it took Jeff (with Aaron's assistance) 2 days and about 400 ingredients to make.  It was so good! Click for some pictures from my day 

1 comment:

Jeanne Milcheck said...

Happy birthday to both LISA AND ELLA.