Friday, February 05, 2010

Blog Reader Giveaway!

IMG_8691I've had the urge to sew lately and have made a variety of simple projects in the last few weeks.  I went crazy one night and ended up with an extra Valentine's banner....before it gets too late, I want to do a quickie weekend giveaway to my blog readers!  To enter just leave a comment on this post and tell me who your Valentine is...husband, wife, kids, friend, pet....I think mine just might be our new puppy! (An upcoming post for sure.)  I will draw a name on Monday morning at around 10am and I will mail the winner their very own Valentine's Day handmade banner.  Oh and please remember I call myself a jewelry artist, not a seamstress!



Anonymous said...

oh, super cute! Well, I have have 5 valentines, My husband, my 3 kids, and my little black male kitten, named..YOU GUESSED IT Valentine! lol, anyways, hope I win!
I have a few picks posted of my kitty and I ALSO have a giveaway going on, so come check it out!

Stephanie said...

My Valentine is my hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!

debbie said...

My Valentine is my boyfriend Kurt and of course my adorable kitty Puma!

Erin Lee said...

My valentine is Josh my husband :)

Anonymous said...

My valentines are MANY as they all of my family and friends who have carried me through these last few difficult years by simply reminding me that I am not alone and that I am loved. To all of my special valentines, I am giving all my love and strength right back! <3

Lisa said...

Great banner! I'd LOVE to win this. My Valentines are my husband Jay, 6 yr. old daughter Addison, and 4 yr. old son Frankie Ray.
Great blog!!!

Lisa said...

yipppeeee skipppeeee!!!!