Monday, June 06, 2011

Say what? I have a blog? Oh yeah!

Sigh....I suck as a blogger once again.  Sorry about that.  Well guess I'll jump in once again and try to keep up. 

We are now on the first day of summer vacation for the kids and I'm sure it's going to go super duper fast.  The kids and I would love to be lounging in the pool, but alas it's raining and cold out.  We have yet to hit summer weather which I think is bizzare for Northern California...any day we'll be thrown into 100+ degree temps.

Well what have we been up to in the last couple months?  I'll share some highlights via Instagram pics...

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We became geocachers and have been having a great time on this worldwide treasure hunt.  A goal for summer is to create and hide our own geochache.  

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I took place in The Burlap Harlot Show...I can't wait for the next one this fall...for more information check their FB page here.... The Burlap Harlot Show

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My kids, Mom and I on Mother's Day....we had a beautiful Mother's Day...shared the day with my son who turned 9 years old...whoa!

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Kids are moving up in the Scouts!  Ella bridged into the Brownies and Jacob moved up to be a Webelos.


We took a long weekend to the Bay area mid-May to explore a bit of San Francisco and to spend two days at Maker Faire.  Maker Faire was incredible--for the kids and for us.  We saw so much and there was still so much to see.  Maker Faire is put on by Make magazine and  Craft Zine....two great sites for all kinds of maker goodness.  For more information on Maker Faire you can check out Maker Faire.



We also took another extra long weekend at the end of May to Southern California.  We celebrated Aaron's brother 40th birthday and toured the Hollywood area.  We ended the extra long weekend in beautiful Pismo Beach.  Already planning another trip back to Pismo.  ;-) 


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