Sunday, January 10, 2010

2010 - My Word

Screen shot 2010-01-10 at 10.00.22 AM
 Word Art made at Wordle

I have been thinking hard about coming up with a word for the year.  A word that would sum up what I would like this year to represent.  I wanted a word that would mean so much that I was tempted to even have it tattooed onto my body.  That way I could never forget it.  No excuse.  A permanent reminder.  Some words that crossed my mind: exercise, health, simplify, save, slow down, self.

The word that I have chosen is the word balance. I want to balance it all this, health, family, friends, work, hobbies.  I'm self-diagnosed obsessive-compulsive with some attention deficit disorder thrown in which makes balance a definite challenge!  Ten days into the new year and I'm feeling pretty good about how I've managed to balance it all so far.  "They" say it takes 2 weeks for something to become a habit and a way of balance too lofty of a goal?



Jeanne said...

Excellent choice

Kim said...

It's perfect.