Saturday, January 16, 2010

Running-End of Week 2

Unbelievably, I'm still at it.  I can honestly say I have NEVER run for 2 weeks consistently in my life.  Ever.  For me it is such a mind thing and I'm proud of myself for keeping at it for this long.  My legs can go much farther than my head will let me.  One thing and one thing only is keeping me iPod Nano with Nike + iPod Sport Kit!  I want to do an ad for this thing.  I'm a gadget girl and the fact that there is a gadget like this for running, I'm in.  I won mine for free from the MommyCast Podcast but I'm buying Aaron one now.  If I could, I'd buy everyone one!  I would think it would be interesting for walkers too.  It's basically a high-tech the push of a button you can hear how far you've run (time and miles) and your current pace.  The best thing ever for making personal goals for yourself.  I just finished a 2 mile run and I did not stop to walk once (that is a MAJOR accomplishment for me).

Screen shot 2010-01-16 at 3.13.13 PM 

One thing you're 'supposed' to have when using this Nike + Sport Kit is the special Nike running shoes to hold the sensor.  Eh, I'm just not a fan of Nike shoes.  I have never found a pair that fit me comfortably.  Sorry Nike.  Instead I purchased a little velcro pouch to hold the sensor and it's worked out perfect so far. 

Part 2 of my love for the iPod Nano with Nike + Sport Kit is that I HAVE to have music when I run.  And it HAS to be the right music.  I've found that I run better with fast hip/hop music.  The second it slows down, so do I.  I'm still narrowing down the best running playlist but for now here is what I have: 

Screen shot 2010-01-16 at 3.30.07 PM

Any suggestions are very much appreciated! 


Stephanie said...

Lisa, I love your idea for walking. I LOVE to walk and I would also love to track myself. I time myself but I hate not knowing the distance I'm walking. Not to mention I would love the challenge of improving my time. If I already have it on my iPod, what else do I need????

Aaron said...

Good job babe. Keep it up. You're already showing great improvement. I love you.