Monday, January 25, 2010


18769_244782555838_244782410838_3128293_5837708_n  I recently joined a local team that I am so excited about.  We are just in the beginning stages and I'm so happy to be a part of it from the start.  Chrystal from Chyrstalyn handmade jewelry is the founding member and see's it as a local creative collective for those in Redding with Etsy shops.  It's called ReddingHandmade and we are having our debut Open House on February 6th. 

I met with Chrystal the other night and her enthusiasm is infectious!  It was such fun talking to her and she is even more socially media conscious than me, it was great!  We talked about what we see for the team and what we can offer other team members, as well as Redding.  The initial draw for me, is the opportunity to meet with local like minded people who also make handcrafted items available on Etsy.  So often I'm in my little studio creating alone.  As much as I like being a sole proprietorship, it can get lonely at times.  Chrystal's idea for starting this team is much more's to share the love of handcrafting with others and to help others grow their own Etsy businesses, so they too can achieve a sort of freedom.  

The possibilities for this team are so great.


I hope you can come check us out.  And if you live near or in Redding and either have an Etsy shop or want to start one, please join us!

For more information on ReddingHandmade...
Facebook Fan Page 



Ning site (for Members)


Chrystal Lynn said...

*blushing* I LOVE it!

Angela said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!