Friday, February 17, 2006

Just testing some stuff...

I've seen other people add video and sound to their blogs, I just wondered if I could too. 

If this works, here's a short video of Rob doing David Bowie's, "Let's Dance" in Australia the other night.  (!  Just happened to have it handy...I'll post video of the kids if it works later!)
Download RobThomas_15th_feb_081.MOV

Now here's some audio....
Download 02_long_day.wma

If you care to, give it a try and give me some feedback on whether it worked, took a long time to load, etc....
feel free!  You can either email me or post in the comments section.

EDITED:  Ok, now I see when it posts, it shows a link to download the video and audio.  My next trick will be to format it so that you get a button right from the page to view and listen.  Wish me luck!  :-)

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