Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Our Anniversary

Today is Aaron and I's 9 year anniversary.  9 years, wow!  I cannot believe it has been 9 years since we've been married, almost 11 years since we've been together, 2 children, many-many happy memories, a few sad events.  Time has flown by.  I love you Aaron and all that is our life together.


One thing I know for sure in these past 9 years?  I know I would love to go back in time and pick a better wedding photographer.  :-)

Today Aaron is at work, so we did our celebrating yesterday.  It was aImg_1241 big day yesterday because Ella had her first day of preschool!  She loved it and fit right in.  I think it's going to be a great experience for her. 

For the first time Aaron and I had an entire day (well only about 5 hours) together to do what we wanted while the kids were in school.  Wow, what an amazing concept.  The time flew by we did some browsing in antique shops and some fantasy shopping then went to lunch.  In the evening, Grandma watched the kids and we went to a movie and ice cream.  We saw Superbad...HILARIOUS movie, we could barely stop laughing.  McLovin is the man.  So funny. 


Angela said...

Congratulations, you guys! Sounds like a great day, and Ella looks so dang cute in her "back to school" outfit--what a doll!

Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary! You guys look so young in those pictures . . . ;)

Aaron Lee said...

It doesn't seem like 9 years already. They say time flies when you're having fun. That is definitely the case with us. I can't wait for more. I love you!!

Connie said...

Hey there,
I love the wedding pictures. You are so CUTE!!!! We just had our 4th anniversary August 31st. Any advise from someone who has made it for 9 years? You guys look like you are doing great!