Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy anniversary to me!

I realized a few days ago that this month is the 5 month anniversary of my 'Pieces of Me' blog!  5 years!  Screen shot 2010-10-12 at 3.56.59 PM A lot has certainly changed in 5 years but yet some things feel like they've stayed the same.  What I find funny is that 5 years ago I had a 1 year old and a 3 year old and yet I still managed to post quite regularly to this blog, LOL!  Now that I have an 8 and 6 year old (Look at my babies up there!!)  there just is not enough hours in the day and this blog has certainly fallen down on the priority list.  Maybe it's also because I have added WAY TOO MUCH TO MY PLATE as of late.    These past couple of months have been completely freaking insane out of control a bit busy, but some of our activities are coming to a close and I'm refocusing priorities, so the schedule has been letting up and blessing me with more free time. 

I was recently reflecting on the happenings since school has started.  Just a basic rundown (for my own sake-you can skip it!) of the past couple months:

  • Soccer practices/games (Jacob)

  • Cross country practice/meets (Jacob & Ella)

  • Daisy's (Ella)

  • Cub Scouts (Jacob) & I am the Pack Committee Secretary which means extra meetings/time

  • Art Docent for Jacob's class - has been really fun-it's out of my comfort zone and I'm learning a lot myself

  • School volunteer (for both kids)

  • Sewing class (Ella) - she's a fashion designer in the works

  • Redding Handmade - I have somehow fallen into the role of co-leader of the team..Oops!

  • Began doing the P90X classic workout....love it and can honestly say it's one of the best workouts I've ever done and am currently on week 5 with only missing ONE yoga, cuz it sucks workout

  • Anniversary trip to Petaluma with Aaron (ahhh a glorious getaway that left us with a permanent reminder of the weekend and our children that will forever be with us.  And bonus, some of the best food we've ever eaten on a vacation-not one bad meal the whole weekend)

  • Political involvement with the Redding Fire Department -- do you need to know who to vote for?  OK, I'll tell ya!  Francie Sullivan, Sandra Speer and Ken Murray for Redding City Council and vote NO on advisory ballot measures A & B

  • Juella Designs - Business has been going great but I constantly wish for more creative time to work on new pieces...in addition to my online shop, I have been participating in local shows and getting my products into more local places.  I also have a special collaboration project that deserves it's own post shortly. 

  • Daily life - Oh yeah all the usual appts, chores, committments--Hey, what's up with the kids wanting to eat dinner? 

Commit me please.  Naw, not really...thankfully it is getting to be easier times.  Back to BALANCE is the name of the game.  The game being life. 

I do want to get back to regularly posting to my blog.  Why?  I actually find that I enjoy the writing.  When I'm exericising I find myself composing blog entries in my head, unfortunately most of them never see pen to paper keyboard to screen.  I do love it when people comment on my blog and new followers are always a bonus, but the real reason I started this blog was an online journal of our/my daily life.  I print the blog yearly and keep it in a binder, since about the time I started this blog I also stopp IMG_3609 ed scrapbooking with my thousands of dollars of scrapbooking tools, supplies, crap.  As my kids have gotten older however, I've focussed less on them because of their own privacy and more on me...egotistical?  I don't think so.  And if you think so, stop reading!  Anyhow I do love to write and share just like I love to read other people's blogs.  I have a list of blogs I read quite regularly that I will one day have to share.  It's like my own person reality TV channel and I love it -- I love to be inspired and they're always changing and always there for me.

So anyhow...long story short.....happy anniversary to me!

Photo above taken at Cub Scout Family Campout this past weekend


Aaron lee said...

Happy Anniversary!! It's hard to believe that you have had a blog this long. I always love to read your posts and I hope you continue to do it. It is a great record of our life. Even better than a scrap book. I love you and keep bloging! :-)

Stephanie said...

So nice to have you back!!! :-) Happy Anniversary!