Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Preschool Party

This morning we attended the end of year party at Jacob's preschool.
It was really fun to go and see everyone as school has been out a couple weeks already.  It was also wonderful for Ella because she will start school in the fall.  She fit right in with the other kids right and I think she is really going to love it.  They had games for the kids and an ice cream social.  There was also a visit from Dewey Decimole, the library mascot, who came to give everyone their very own library book bag and a couple of free books.  Img_9032This year Jacob's class has taken part in a great program called, "Raising a Reader."   Each week he would come home with a book bag full of new books to read which really excited him about reading.  We will definitely keep that up and head to the library frequently this summer to check out books.  Perfect timing too because Redding has a brand spanking new library! 

Click for pictures from the party today 

1 comment:

Aaron Lee said...

I'm so glad Jacob was able to go to preschool here. He has done so well and I'm sure is more than ready for kindergarden. He really did enjoy it. I can't wait for Ella to start in the fall.