Monday, May 28, 2007

We conquered!

We came, we saw, and we conquered the "newly discovered" falls at Whiskeytown Lake on Sunday.  It was 3.4 mile round-trip, somewhat strenous hike mostly uphill.  Aaron and I went with the kids and my Mom and I think we all did quite well.  Jacob impressively so, Ella maybe a little less so!  We found she's not much of a hiker and ended up falling asleep on Aaron's shoulders the last quarter mile or so.  Still a fun way to spend the day.  We finished it off with a BBQ and swimming at our house.  Uncle Jeff came by for that...guess he's a little too wimpy to have tackled the hike with us!  :-)

Click for photos from our hike


Stephanie McClung said...

I am super impressed . . . there is no way Brayden would make it!! You got some good pictures!

Aaron Lee said...

We're ready for Mt. Shasta!! What a fun day. We'll have to do it again some time.